The last 2 years have been very difficult on out family. We have had some very high ups and some very very low lows. Yet, as I've spent the last week looking back over them I can't help but to have seen some tremendous growth. I'm more sure of who I am now then I have ever been in the past. I no longer feel then need to fit someone else's vision for my life. Truth be told my life doesn't even fit my vision for my life! It's not quite there yet but my life is on it's way to fitting God's vision for my life. And that has made all the difference. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I was going to be a stay at home mom who was home schooling, learning to sew and knit and was perfectly content, I would have laughed at you. It's true though, I am happy with what I am doing. I am working hard at finding ways to help us live frugal so that I can continue in this.
I know what kind of family I want to have. I know how important my children are to me and that raising them is my number 1 goal in life for right now. I know that I want to be actively involved in the raising of them, I want to raise up godly young men who know how to be responsible and take care of their families, that know how to love theirs wives and children but above all of that my goal is to raise up men who know how to, love, worship and serve God.
The past 2 years have also taught me a lot about studying God's word and seeing what it has to say for myself. I never thought I would be one of those Pentecostal women who believed in dresses only and not cutting your hair or wearing jewelry but again here I am! Happy and more free then I have ever been before. I have learned that being a Christian is not about rules or judging but about a personal relationship (something I had never understood before) . It's not about how I am feeling but about worshiping anyways! It's not about how other people see me but about how the one who created me sees me!
I am looking forward to 2011 knowing that with the Lord on my side though it may not always be easy it will always be fruitful!
My journey of following God to become the wife and mother He has called me to be. I may not always get it right but I am always loved.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A new group
I love to be in groups where I can talk to other women about the things going and get tips and ideas so here is a link to a group
Monday, December 27, 2010
Organizing Now
So I just bought this new book called "Organize Now" by Jennifer Ford Berry. I am wanting to use it to help me become more organized this year.. The book is divided into 52 chapters (52 weeks).
The first week is called: Organize your Mind. And here is a summarized list of what should be focused on in the first week:
1) Get a minimum of 7 hours sleep per night. Organize your schedule around your sleep.
2) Jot down a short To Do list first thing in the morning of the things you HAVE TO do and the things you WANT TO do - be realistic.
3) Start a journal. Try to write in it every day, even if it a one sentence highlight of the day.
4) Limit the amount of television you watch.
5) Schedule a coffee/tea break two or three times a day to just relax.
6) Schedule time to exercise.
7) Schedule more "me time" - even if it is just 15 minutes.
8) Eliminate energy drainers in your life, unhealthy relationships, unfinished projects, items on your To Do list that don't need to be done.
9) Set goals and break them into doable daily To Do's
Once A Month:
1) Schedule a day just for you. Do something that makes you happy.
Every 3-6 Months:
1) Spend an hour or two alone to take stock of your emotional state. How do you feel most of the time? How are your relationships? Count your blessings if you are happy, or evaluate why you are unhappy and make plans to change what you can.
Once a Year:
1) On your birthday make an effort to reflect on the past year. What did you learn? How have you changed? What do you want to accomplish in the year to come?
I am hoping that I can keep up and do one chapter a week. So I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Out Of Sorts
I am feeling out of sorts today. I can't seem to get it together. I know that I am not the only one that goes through this at times. I feel like I am never listened to and that I am not really cared about. It started with me feeling ignored and when I tried to talk about it I couldn't seem to put it into the right words so everything came out jumbled which upset him. I know he wasn't actually trying to ignore me but I was PMSing and I know that is part of the problem. I just feel like we are barely taking anymore and so basically I am just feeling out of sorts. When I begin to feel this way, I start to draw back and go into my shell because it feels safer there. In there it's harder to get hurt. I have more control over who can get close enough to hurt me. I know that when I do this then it causes more distance in the relationship so I am trying hard not to do this.
My husband is a good man, a great father and I know that he loves me. I just wish I could figure out why this happens. It makes me feel like I am broken unable to function normally. I feel like either there is something wrong with me for feeling this way when it's not true or that it is true and that I am so broken that I can't be fixed. Then I remind myself to take a step back and remember that no matter what I am a daughter of The KING loved beyond comprehension and that what I am really hearing is just tapes in my head that sometimes I hit the play button on and sometimes the devil does but that's all they are just tapes. Just lies and falsehoods trying to assert themselves to trying me up to cause me to stumble and begin to doubt who I am in Christ and who He has made me to be. So today I choose not only to hit the stop button on those tapes but the delete button also. I will no longer listen to those things that have been said to me in the past. I am not broken but with God's grace and mercy I am healed and whole. I am not unlovable but loved beyond my understanding and because God is not here in the physical to love on me he has given me a husband, children and friends who do love me. I am not worthless but am a prize a precious Gem, the apple of his eye. And how do I know this because Deuteronomy 32:10 says he kept him as the apple of His eye and Zech. 2:8 says for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of My eye.
Lord today please, keep me as the apple of your eye and hide me under the shadow of your wings Psalm 17:8
Monday, December 13, 2010
Home Making
I have spent the last couple of days working on my Home Making journal. The first thing I did was wrote down the days of the week and then placed into it our items that our schedule on the same day at the same time every week. Then I took and added in a day of the week for me to do certain things, below is what my final draft looks like. I made sure to include our home school schedule.
- Mom- Office Day
- Trey Live Lesson English 12-1
- Trey Live Lesson Science 9
- Tarran Live Lesson Physical Science 1-2
- Trey Social Studies 1
- Tarran Live Lesson Algebra 10
- Titus Live Lesson 9
- Mom- Errand Day
- Church
- Trey Live Lesson Math 11-12
- Trey Live Lesson Homeroom 2-3
- Tarran Live Lesson English 10-11
- Tarran Live Lesson Physical Science 12:05-12:55
- Trey Live Lesson Math 11-12
- Tarran Live Lesson U.S. History 11-12
- Titus Live Lesson 9
- Mom-Deep clean Day
- Clutter busting Day
- Family Day
I hope to use this in the future with my daily schedule.
The next thing I did was to write down the things that I do everyday automatically i.e. brushing teeth, washing face, making dinner, laundry. Then I made a list of the things that I want to make automatic in my schedule i.e. dusting, mopping,sweeping. The last thing I did was to break them into morning, mid-day and before bed/evening. I am hoping that tomorrow I can start fleshing out my daily routine and schedule.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Afraid To Be Happy
I know that title sounds funny but that's really what I wanted to talk about for a minute. Last night I was laying in bed talking to JD. We were having one of the discussions that can come after a rough period in life. You know the type where you just talking about all that you faced and all that you came through. For us it had started almost 2 years before when things just got crazy and wild and went went from outside problems to what I refer to as inside problems. We allowed what was happening in the "outside" world (anything outside our marriage) to affect our "inside" world (Our marriage). There were times over the last few months when we both doubted if we would do this I think it was just our belief in a covenant marriage, some folks who wouldn't allow us to walk away and God's amazing never-ending unfailing GRACE that have helped us to where we are today (in love).
During our conversation last night I started to tear up and realized that I was scared. Things are going great. I love my family, my job, my church. I was just waiting for the next crisis. I realized that since childhood I have never had a long period of time where there is just calm and peace in my life and now that it is happening I didn't know what to think or how to handle it. I had been so convinced that I did not deserve happiness that I had bought into that and at times even sacrificed my happiness and self-fulfilled the prophecy.
As that all rushed in on me last night, I just paused and praise Jesus for this revelation! I am a daughter of the King a princess in His court, my adoption into Gods family means that I do get to be happy and not just when things are going well but when things are rough too. I don't have to live in fear of the next bad thing that is going to happen but to trust in God and allow him to lead my steps. I can have peace and joy no matter what. I am no longer afraid to be happy!
During our conversation last night I started to tear up and realized that I was scared. Things are going great. I love my family, my job, my church. I was just waiting for the next crisis. I realized that since childhood I have never had a long period of time where there is just calm and peace in my life and now that it is happening I didn't know what to think or how to handle it. I had been so convinced that I did not deserve happiness that I had bought into that and at times even sacrificed my happiness and self-fulfilled the prophecy.
As that all rushed in on me last night, I just paused and praise Jesus for this revelation! I am a daughter of the King a princess in His court, my adoption into Gods family means that I do get to be happy and not just when things are going well but when things are rough too. I don't have to live in fear of the next bad thing that is going to happen but to trust in God and allow him to lead my steps. I can have peace and joy no matter what. I am no longer afraid to be happy!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Home schooling
I never thought I would be "that" mom, you know the one. The one who monitors what her kids eat, what they read, who their friends are, what kind of music they listen to or what they watch on T.V. Keep an eye on yes but closely monitor NO!!!!
Yet here I am being "that" mom, I slowly began to find that I cared greatly about what they watch who their friends are and all those other things. I didn't like the things I began to see in t5hem or the behaviors they were having. I began to spend a lot of time in prayer over me boys and one of the first things God showed me was that I was allowing these things into their lives. Boy, was that convicting, I began to feel like I was failing them, so I threw myself a little pity party and then I got over it. I started to pay attention to what kind of music they were listening to, what they were watching and who they were spending their time with. As I began to curtail it a bit I began to realize that the number one area I had very little say or control in was school. I started looking at the curriculum and talking to the teachers. I quickly realized that most of the teachers didn't seem concerned about my thoughts on what they were teaching my boys.
So this year I am homeschooling IU have become "that" mom.
Yet here I am being "that" mom, I slowly began to find that I cared greatly about what they watch who their friends are and all those other things. I didn't like the things I began to see in t5hem or the behaviors they were having. I began to spend a lot of time in prayer over me boys and one of the first things God showed me was that I was allowing these things into their lives. Boy, was that convicting, I began to feel like I was failing them, so I threw myself a little pity party and then I got over it. I started to pay attention to what kind of music they were listening to, what they were watching and who they were spending their time with. As I began to curtail it a bit I began to realize that the number one area I had very little say or control in was school. I started looking at the curriculum and talking to the teachers. I quickly realized that most of the teachers didn't seem concerned about my thoughts on what they were teaching my boys.
So this year I am homeschooling IU have become "that" mom.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Home Making Journal
I have one but have not used it in awhile. I decided to pull it back out and update it. The task of updating one and finding a way to make one that I will actually use and that will keep me organized seems monumental. I thought that if this is how it feels to me then a lot of other women must feel the same way. So I've decided to share my journey in finding the system that works for me. I have tried flylady and though it has some great ideas it was to regimented and seemed out of touch with my life. I have also tried to organized home and those did not work for me either as they were not detailed enough. I know some ladies who subscribe to one or the other and am happy they work for them. So today I begin my journey.
I have been giving some thought to the sections I would like in my Journal. Here are lists of the ones I have come up with and a brief description:
Schedules & Routines
I have been giving some thought to the sections I would like in my Journal. Here are lists of the ones I have come up with and a brief description:
Schedules & Routines
A master family calendar - school schedules, work schedules, activity schedules; daily routines – morning, afternoon, evening; weekly, monthly, seasonal, annual tasks and housekeeping chores. Basically anything based on time goes here. It is the core of the Panel and will be an active section, in that it will be used and referenced daily.
Goals, Plans & Projects
Long term goals (anything requiring more than a single entry on a task list) and projects large and small will be laid out here. I tend to have a hard time setting specific goals. I am much better at bigger more general things like I want to go visit Italy but never lining out the steps that will need to happen for me to get there, hopefully this will help with that section.
Family & Inventories
This is kind of a catch-all for general information about other people in your life as well as various databases of property or knowledge. If you were in a bookstore and wanted to know if you’d already purchased #4 of a series, you would check here. A complete home inventory is a good idea for insurance purposes. Keeping track of children’s and spouse’s sizes aid in shopping for clothes, as will an inventory of their existing wardrobe. Also helpful is a list of books or movies that you want to see but haven’t gotten around to. Aren’t we all too likely to forget what it was that so-and-so recommended when we’re actually standing in the video store? An index to household storage is often handy as well. Family medical notes and records would also belong here unless they were extensive for some reason. Now tis one sounds good but also is one that intimidates me the most. It sounds like a lot of work but if I can slowly build it up over time and not do it all at once then I should be able master this.
From your checkbook balance to an investment portfolio to last year’s tax return, everyone has financial records to organize. Monetary goals can also be outlined here, with a savings or debt reduction plan to achieve them. Receipts, warranties, owner manuals should all be kept together and in an accessible manner.
Food Preparation
A portion of my journal will deal with food – recipes, menu plans, pantry and grocery guides, a price book, coupon storage, and anything else to do with food and its storage and preparation in our homes.
Scrapbooks, needlepoint, gardening, music, writing, the list is endless. If there’s something in your life you do for fun, chances are there is something about it you need to plan, organize, or store. I’d probably also put decorating ideas here, but they could also go in Projects or if you’re embarking on a full-scale renovation they could even have their own section. This would be fun though I don't have a lot of time for hobbies but I do hope to take up sewing and knitting this year.
School, Work, Organizations
This is where we will diverge probably more than in any other section. Some work for an outside company, some work from home, some don’t work (yeah, like this isn’t work! Lol), some go to school, some teach school, some homeschool, some have kids in school, some are members of volunteer or recreational organizations or sit on a board of directors somewhere. If there’s anything you belong to, outside responsibilities you juggle, this is the place to ground it.
Anything I consider spiritual or renewing can be covered here, whether formal prayer logs or musings on nature or anything in between.
Life unexpected
It contains sensitive information such as passwords, account numbers, utility and credit information, bank and other account information – more than would be found in the day to day finances. I like to think of it as a place to write down all the things that I normally keep in my head – things *I* don’t have to look up to function daily, but if my husband had to, say, transfer money between accounts he’d have to find. Due to all info in this one I will probably not be keeping it with the rest of the information.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Down Time
Jd decided to take the boys camping this weekend. They left last night about 7:00pm. I had a meeting this morning so I cleaned house last night then went to bed. I thought this afternoon I would go out and do something, instead I find this as the perfect time to do all of those little things that I need to get done around the house. The last 36 hours have been quite busy with work, with lots of different things going on. I find that I get more done if the house is in order, so I've decided to take this time to clean the house and make it feel more like a home. I love taking care of the family and often find things to do for them even when they are not around.
On another note I bought some new canisters today for my kitchen, I have need some new ones for awhile but haven't found what I wanted and so I've just waited knowing that eventually I would find what I wanted. I am so happy I wanted these are great, they're brushed copper and go perfectly in my Tuscan style kitchen and dining room area.
I might get a good bottle of wine and watch a movie tonight or curl up with a good book.
I have also been working on writing a Bible Study about the women of the Bible, I have the first few done, it's a short study but I have enjoyed working on it.
On another note I bought some new canisters today for my kitchen, I have need some new ones for awhile but haven't found what I wanted and so I've just waited knowing that eventually I would find what I wanted. I am so happy I wanted these are great, they're brushed copper and go perfectly in my Tuscan style kitchen and dining room area.
I might get a good bottle of wine and watch a movie tonight or curl up with a good book.
I have also been working on writing a Bible Study about the women of the Bible, I have the first few done, it's a short study but I have enjoyed working on it.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I like being a girl
In this day and age when women are suppose to be strong and manly, I enjoy being a girl. Now that does not mean I am weak or that I can't handle life on my own. I do enjoy being a woman though, so I thought I would list some things I like about it.
1. Having doors opened for me.
2. Wearing long flowing skirts
3. Getting mani-pedi's
4. Laying in my husbands strong arms.
5. Having more shoes then I know what to do with.
6. Being a daughter of the King of Kings.
7. Wearing pink.
8. Being soft.
9. Crying at a movie I have seen 10+ times and having him still think it's cute
10. Taking care of my family.
1. Having doors opened for me.
2. Wearing long flowing skirts
3. Getting mani-pedi's
4. Laying in my husbands strong arms.
5. Having more shoes then I know what to do with.
6. Being a daughter of the King of Kings.
7. Wearing pink.
8. Being soft.
9. Crying at a movie I have seen 10+ times and having him still think it's cute
10. Taking care of my family.
Just Opened
So after many people telling me I should start a blog, I have finally given in and opened one. Just a little about myself and what I will share on the blog. My name is Callie and I am married to a wonderful man J.D. with 3 boys. We have a very traditional marriage and believe strongly in a male led house. I have started homeschooling for the first this year. I work from home in politics and I love what I do. I want to leave our country a better place for our boys.
I'm not the perfect wife, home maker or mother. I enjoy what I do and am always looking for ways to improve.
I hope to share just my daily life, as I try to figure out how to follow Christ in all that I do. I hope here is to be as honest in my successes as I am in my failures. I want to get to know other women and share our lives together.
I know that there are a lot of women that believe in the power of the Holy Ghost, dressing modestly and the Proverbs 31 woman. I want this to be a place to share as we all walk the path to Holiness.
I'm not the perfect wife, home maker or mother. I enjoy what I do and am always looking for ways to improve.
I hope to share just my daily life, as I try to figure out how to follow Christ in all that I do. I hope here is to be as honest in my successes as I am in my failures. I want to get to know other women and share our lives together.
I know that there are a lot of women that believe in the power of the Holy Ghost, dressing modestly and the Proverbs 31 woman. I want this to be a place to share as we all walk the path to Holiness.
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