Savings Angel

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Organizing Now

So I just bought this new book called "Organize Now" by Jennifer Ford Berry.  I am wanting to use it to help me become more organized this year..  The book is divided into 52 chapters (52 weeks).

The first week is called: Organize your Mind. And here is a summarized list of what should be focused on in the first week:
1) Get a minimum of 7 hours sleep per night.  Organize your schedule around your sleep.
2) Jot down a short To Do list first thing in the morning of the things you HAVE TO do and the things you WANT TO do - be realistic.
3) Start a journal.  Try to write in it every day, even if it a one sentence highlight of the day.
4) Limit the amount of television you watch.
5) Schedule a coffee/tea break two or three times a day to just relax.
6) Schedule time to exercise.
7) Schedule more "me time" - even if it is just 15 minutes.
8) Eliminate energy drainers in your life, unhealthy relationships, unfinished projects, items on your To Do list that don't need to be done.
9) Set goals and break them into doable daily To Do's
Once A Month:
1) Schedule a day just for you.  Do something that makes you happy.
Every 3-6 Months:
1) Spend an hour or two alone to take stock of your emotional state. How do you feel most of the time? How are your relationships? Count your blessings if you are happy, or evaluate why you are unhappy and make plans to change what you can.
Once a Year:
1) On your birthday make an effort to reflect on the past year.  What did you learn? How have you changed? What do you want to accomplish in the year to come?

I am hoping that I can keep up and do one chapter a week.  So I will  keep you posted on how it goes. 

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