Savings Angel

Cut your grocery bill in half!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Extreme Couponing

So has anyone seen the show on TLC called Extreme Couponing?  I saw it awhile back and became addicted.  I've always wanted to use coupons to help cut down my grocery bill but never could figure it out.  Well, after watching the show for awhile I decided I was going to do this.  So I started looking online.  I came across a couple of different sites that help you match up the coupons with in store deals for the best savings.  I started trying them out and have found that on top of not taking as much time as I thought it would it also was fun.  I find myself looking for coupons everywhere.  It's an adrenaline rush when I check out and find I have saved over 50% on my bill. Although they are quite a popular site, I had never heard of them before.  I had heard of Terri's list but found it hard to use and found that it took a lot of time and often the information was not accurate.  I was a bit worried that Savings Angel would be the same thing but I was in for a pleasant surprise!
Savings Angel  is different from the other grocery program or sites I found out there.  Not only do they do an amazing job of finding sales at your local stores and matching them with coupons in dozens of retailers nationwide (the most I've seen) but they also have a great support system for users.  

There are many reasons to use to save money and become a frugal shopper.  To make it easy I have listed my top 10, though you may find others.

 1. Trainging

I was really impressed (and helped) by the amount of training Savings Angel gives its members. 

Becoming a frugal grocery shopper is something that anyone can do, but there is a learning curve involved. This grocery coupon program walks new users not only through the Savings Angel system with video lessons, but also through the ins and outs of grocery shopping coupon usage itself

2. Time is money

Let's face it. Moms are the most time pressed people on earth! Between duties to the kids, the husband, the house, and the finances, there is little more time to be scouring the internet looking for deals on grocery shopping coupons minutes before you need to head out the door to pick up food. 

I love coupon shopping,  but the major drawback to it is how time consuming it actually is.In the past I was always overwhelmed by the amount of time it took to find coupons and match them to deals and then figure out the savings then trying to find the darn coupons, all in preparation to drive to the store and get my goodies.. 

But that's where Savings Angel steps in. They find the deals for me! And even tell me where to find my coupons, whether they are online printable coupons (they provide the link) or Sunday paper coupons (they tell me what day they came out in the paper). 

Try a Membership - Get Your Second Month Free

2. Top Deals Newsletter 

And it gets even easier! 

Every week, they send me a newsletter with the top deals and sales in it! 

This gets me up, awake, and ready to go! This newsletter sets me down the path to couponing each week. 

Of course, I can easily log into the website any time I want to to get info on this week's deals. 

3. National Stores

I think of all the things about Savings Angel I like, the most important is the sheer number of stores that are profiled each week, far more than any other service I have ever seen. This is important, as you want everything in one spot! 

They have all the basics: Target, Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid, plus local stores like Publix, Albertsons, Cub Foods, Kroger and Safeway.

Try a Membership - Get Your Second Month Free

4. Printable Lists

This is a big one for me! 

I tend to be rather disorganized, so having the ability to click a check-mark on products I'm interested in buying  and having all my products print out on one page is a lifesaver for me! 

There they are: stores, sales, coupons to match, amount of money saved (or made) all in one simple list. 

6. Angel Mentor

The Savings Angel Angel Mentor was the icing on the cake for me. I got a call a few days after my membership was activated to see if I had any questions about Savings Angel or couponing in general. A real person! 

She explained she was my mentor, and there to assist me if I needed it. Whoa! This grocery shopping program cares about me! 

And its not just me. 

Every member of is matched with an Angel Mentor; what a great way to make sure that you are comfortable with grocery shopping coupons. 

7. Active Community Forums

As if the mentor program wasn't enough, there is also a very active community forum where members can ask questions (and get answers) and share other great deals like freebies, contests, and internet specials. 

Try a Membership - Get Your Second Month Free

8. Prizes and Giveaways

I'm into social networking, in particular, Facebook. 

Savings Angel has a great following there, and has little contests here and there for doing something you do anyways: network. 

Just a fun way to get you talking about this great grocery shopping program. 

9. Money Back Guarantee 

Yes, a membership with does cost money. 

But, it does come with a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied in the first month. And if you are satisfied (and I'm sure you will be) well, you get your second month free! There are no contracts or anything like that; cancel anytime. But I doubt you will. Its just too nice of a grocery shopping program to consider canceling. 

Try a Membership - Get Your Second Month Free

10. You Can Get it Free with Referrals 
But why pay for it when you can get it for free? Savings Angel has a fantastic referral program that allows you to refer your friends - or strangers you meet in the grocery store - and get your membership for free. 

So the next time you're in line at the grocery store, holding up the people behind you as you hand your 3 inch stack of coupons to the cashier, tell those people about Savings Angel. Hand them the bottom of your printed list list that has your membership info on it, and when they sign up, you get cash! 

With the economy the way it is today, all kinds of people who never before would even dream of clipping a coupon are now fascinated with the thought of getting stuff free! Before you know it, your Savings Angel membership will be free. 

So those are my top 10 reasons for becoming a member at Savings Angel, but I bet you can find 100 more. Though they did set me up to try this system free, I would gladly pay for it, as it is a valuable, time-saving resource for all frugal coupon shoppers. 

Give it a try! You have nothing to lose (except your high grocery bill).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Broken Quill

The Broken Quill

Psalm 91:2

Psalm 91: I will say of the LORD, [He is] my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

I was struck by how comfortable David seemed to be in this knowledge. He seems to be saying " I will say of the Lord, no matter what others say of Him, that He is my refuge; I choose Him  and I will confide in Him.  I don't care what others choose as their idols but I will say, no matter what happens,that Jehovah, the true and living God, is my refuge, any other in one made of lies." Not only is He my refuge but He is also my fortress, my strong hold the one place I can go that will never fail.  I am only safe and secure when I place my trust in Him and make The Lord my fortress.  There is never any reason to question His sufficiency, because of that in Him , and Him only, will I place my trust.  If He is my God, my refuge and my fortress what can I desire or need that I can not find in Him?  He is not, fickle or false, weak or mortal; He is God, not man and so I know that there is no chance of disappointment in him.  I have a choice and I make it proudly to choose Him, who is always faithful, to trust.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Psalm 91

The Lord has laid Psalm 91 on my heart.  This is one of my favorite Psalms.  So I have decided that I am going to spend some time memorizing and meditating on the psalm one verse at a time and ask God to show me what he has for me with each verse.   I am hoping to do one verse a day so here is my first verse.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
         Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

  I love the fact that the verse is a promise to live in the shelter of God. It says here that they live in the secret place.  The place of the Most High is secret you have to search it our through prayer.  The Bible also tells us in many other places that the way to come into the presence of the LORD is through Praise and worship.  So dwell in a place of praise and worship, continually being praising God and worshiping Him.  If I live a life of communion with God I am constantly under His protection.  I can always have a sense of peace and security. I can choose by Faith to dwell (trust) in His secret place to enter into it by praise and worship and then not leave by constantly praise and worshiping Him.  When I do this I have by faith chosen to let Him guard me I will find all that I could need or desire.  I want this to be a part of my character that I will dwell in His secret place, I want to be at home in God and to rest in Him.  I want to be well acquainted with inward praise and worship as well as outward.  I want my heart and soul to always be worshiping and to be in service to Him.  I want to love being alone with my God in prayer and worship.  I want Him to be the first one I turn to when life gets tough.  When I do these things it will be a privilege and a comfort to abide or live under the Shadow of the Almighty.  He promises to shelter me and to protect me from anything that would come at me, that would try to annoy or to steal me a way from Him.  I will not only be allowed into His presence but will be given a residence a place to stay under His protection forever. This is a blessing and a promise from Him!