Savings Angel

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Home schooling

I never thought I would be "that" mom, you know the one.  The one who monitors what her kids eat, what they read, who their friends are, what kind of music they listen to or what they watch on T.V.  Keep an eye on yes but closely monitor NO!!!!

Yet here I am being "that" mom, I slowly began to find that I cared greatly about what they watch who their friends are and all those other things.  I didn't like the things I began to see in t5hem or the behaviors they were having.  I began to spend a lot of time in prayer over me boys and one of the first things God showed me was that I was allowing these things into their lives.  Boy, was that convicting, I began to feel like I was failing them, so I threw myself a little pity party and then I got over it.  I started to pay attention to what kind of music they were listening to, what they were watching  and who they were spending their time with.  As I began to curtail it a bit I began to realize that the number one area I had very little say or control in was school.  I started looking at the curriculum and talking to the teachers.  I quickly realized that most of the teachers didn't seem concerned about my thoughts on what they were teaching my boys.

So this year I am homeschooling IU have become "that" mom.


  1. I just found your blog through the link on the bottom of your freecycle post. When I read that you home school your boys (we do as well) I wanted to extend an invite to you. A friend and I try to get our boys (we have 7 between us) together every Thursday at Buckley park around noon. Feel free to join us! :) Regardless, good luck to you in your home schooling adventure!

  2. Oops! I ment to sign that :) -- so as a by-theway, my name is Chance .
